Don’t Run From the Pain of Growth

In the pursuit of personal growth and self-discovery, it’s natural to encounter challenges and discomfort. However, running from the pain of growth might also mean avoiding the transformative power that lies within. Avoiding the pain of growth may supply temporary relief, but it can also hinder your journey towards fulfillment and self-discovery. When you lean […]
Positive Psychology is NOT a “Happiology”

Positive Psychology goes beyond a mere pursuit of happiness or the illusion of constant positivity. It is a science that delves into the richness of human experience and the factors that lead to a fulfilling life. Often misconceived as “Happiology,” Positive Psychology recognizes that life is a mosaic of emotions and experiences. It acknowledges that […]
Quote: “Don’t just say you have read books. Show that through them you have learned to think better, to be a more discriminating and reflective person…It would be a bad mistake to suppose that one has made progress simply by having internalized their contents.” – Epictetus

Reading books or acquiring knowledge through therapy is not merely an intellectual exercise, nor is it mindless consumption. With intention, it can be a journey of transformation and growth. It’s not enough to say we have read books or that we go to therapy; we must show that the knowledge we gain reshapes our thinking […]
Amongst The Majesty of Mountains, Oceans, and Galaxies, The Creator Paused and Thought, ‘The World Needs One More Masterpiece’ – and There YOU Were.

It’s truly a marvel to consider our place in the vast expanse of the universe. While surrounded by nature’s grandeur – from towering peaks to endless cosmic wonders – it’s easy to feel small. Yet, in the Creator’s grand design, each individual has been fashioned with as much care and intention as the grandest of […]
5 Consequences of Excessive Consumption

While it’s tempting to indulge in various forms of consumption, it’s crucial to be mindful of the negative effects it can have on our brains. Here are five consequences of excessive consumption: 1. Overwhelmed Brain: Consuming an abundance of information can overwhelm our brains, leading to reduced focus, memory issues, and cognitive overload. 2. Heightened […]
Daily Ways to Show Up for Yourself – Create: More Than You Consume

In this fast-paced digital age, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of information and endless consumption. Imagine a life where you actively engage in creating, contributing, and expressing your unique gifts and talents. Instead of passively consuming content, you become the architect of your own experiences and legacy. Creating can take many forms— […]
Quote: “Life exists in shades of gray, with burst of color for growth and learning.” – Eliza Marie

Life is a mesmerizing canvas painted with diverse experiences, and it exists in shades of gray, offering us countless opportunities to color our lives with growth and learning. Within this tapestry, we find valuable lessons in both our successes and setbacks. Imagine the transformation that comes from approaching successes with gratitude and humility. We can […]
Thoughts Are NOT Facts!

In the rush of our busy lives, we often forget a simple yet essential truth: thoughts are not facts. Our minds are constantly abuzz with an array of thoughts and beliefs, but it’s crucial to recognize that they may not always reflect reality. When we cling to thoughts as if they were indisputable truths, we […]
Quote: “People are not disturbed by things, but by the views they take of them.” – Epictetus

Life is full of ups and downs, and we encounter various situations that may cause us distress. But have you ever noticed that it’s not the events themselves that disturb our peace, but rather our perception and judgment of these events? This powerful quote reminds us that our emotional responses are shaped by how we […]
Thinking Traps: All-or-Nothing Thinking

All-or-nothing thinking can significantly impact our lives, often leading us into a state of emotional extremes. Let’s dive into this thought pattern and discover how we can liberate ourselves from its grip. All-or-nothing thinking, also known as black-and-white thinking, involves seeing situations as either all good or all bad, with no middle ground. This cognitive […]