Daily Ways to Show Up for Yourself – Discover: Your Thinking Traps

Thinking traps, also known as cognitive distortions or cognitive biases, are patterns of thought that can lead to irrational or negative thinking. These traps can affect our emotions, behaviors, and decision-making in various ways. They often occur automatically and unconsciously, making it challenging to recognize them without self-awareness and mindfulness. In our quest for personal […]
Unresolved Emotions May Lead You to Inadvertently Push People Away, Preventing You From Forming Deep Connections.

Have you ever wondered why forming deep, meaningful connections with others seems like an uphill battle? Unresolved emotions could be the invisible barrier holding you back. When we carry unresolved emotional baggage, we might inadvertently push people away or run away from them which prevents us from experiencing the true beauty of genuine connections. It’s […]
Quote: “Are you choosing to be the person you want to be or are you letting your emotions choose for you?” – Eliza Marie

Are you truly embracing the person you aspire to be, or are you allowing your emotions to take the driver’s seat? It’s essential to recognize that when we let our emotions run our lives, we risk heading down a destructive path. Take a moment to reflect on how your emotional responses shape your interactions with […]
Deliberate Neuroplasticity – Takes Our Focus, Willingness, and Practice to Grow.

The concept of deliberate neuroplasticity holds immense transformative potential. Deliberate neuroplasticity refers to the intentional rewiring and reshaping of our brains to create positive changes in our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. With Somatic Therapy, we can harness the brain’s incredible capacity for change and growth. Through somatic practices and mindful awareness, we can engage in […]
Experiences That Are Too Big In the Moment End Up As Stored Trauma In the Body.

If we are focusing on an event or story, we may miss the stored trauma and how it can manifest as symptoms in our body. Learn more about stored trauma and its symptoms that may be impacting your life. Schedule a free consultation today, at www.yougothishift.com/scheduling
Trauma Doesn’t Always End Just Because the Event Did.

Resolve symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulated in the body. Somatic Therapy helps to release and recover from the accumulation and helps when stuck in patterns of fight, flight, or freeze. Learn more about Somatic Experiencing® by scheduling a free consultation at www.yougothishift.com/scheduling
Very Old Behavioral Patterning is Actually a Very Young Childlike State

Unless you have done some deep trauma work, the behaviors showing up today are likely the behaviors you picked up throughout childhood. These are the behaviors that are running your relationships in adulthood. Learn what your destructive behavioral patterns may be, through Somatic Therapy.
Daily Ways to Show Up For Yourself – Ask yourself: What do I need right now?

Regularly asking ourselves what we need in the moment can make a life changing impact. This act of self-love and care will remind you to come back to yourself and that you matter. I want to be clear that this is not meant to be a self-indulgent question, but rather looking at what you may […]